Author: Nick Fryer

  • The Calibre of a Carol

    Thursday, 15 December 2022 Another day working through the fog, the substance of which I couldn’t report here even if I could think of a way to make several hours of witness testimony on banking records fizz, which I probably could, being a freakin’ comedic genius, but let it pass. Professional discretion’s gain is literature’s…

  • Cabin Fever

    Wednesday, 14 December 2022 A day of work, executed remotely, confined for the second day to my hotel room. A day trying to concentrate with a brain made of snot. A horrible day, albeit that by evening I was feeling a little more human. But confined for a second whole day in The Greatest City…

  • Well, Fuck

    Tuesday, 13 December 2022

  • À la Recherche du Taste Perdu

    Monday, 12 December 2022 ‘Twas a day meant to be at work and it was, mostly, although professional plans this week were slightly stirred by the news that one of our legal team was home with a case of this decade’s most talked about respiratory infection. What that means for the work scheduled for this…

  • Gained in Translation

    Sunday, 11 December 2022 Kept awake half the night by circadian shenanigans and some inconsiderate neighbours, who weren’t even doing anything interestingly amorous, just talking too loud, I decided to sleep in, which I managed until after noon. Then went to do some laundry, the only notable part of which was that, at 34th Street,…

  • Lessons in Humility

    Saturday, 10 December 2022 Up at as near to dawn as I could manage, out into the coldest I’d yet experienced. According to the weather app it was zero degrees but felt like minus five. It felt like zero to me. The temperatures don’t have the bite the raw numbers suggest, perhaps because of the…

  • Manhattan on Foot

    Friday, 9 December 2022 Up and out of bed as early as I can manage, trying to force my body into a new time zone. On the street at roughly 9am and start walking, first up Lexington Avenue to a café that the internet told me is a slice of Melbourne transplanted to NYC. My…

  • The Longest Thursday in the World

    Travel across this many time zones is almost everything, if not all at once, at least within the one package. Numbing and thrilling, it consumes your attention while being profoundly boring. The hours are interminable, while the individual moments are absurd and absorbing. The hours I will elide – they bored me at the time,…

  • Got my back up

    The site crashed most effectively in early 2019, and it took me nearly a year to try to fix it, time and apathy being what they are. I finally did it, though, and here it is. My efficiency at backing up also being what it is, I’ve lost all of 2018, but I don’t think…

  • Fragment – Farmers’ Market Diary

    A snippet I found lurking on Google Drive, part of a project that (like so many) apparently started with a certain sparkle but failed to live long enough to have a part 2. It’s maybe three years old. Liz is in Dublin now, and I haven’t seen much of Heidi since, but here it is.…