Category: The Arch Window
My Best Angle
The Arch Window number 35, in which we get to the guts of the matter. Image by Tttrung – own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link, rotated 90 degrees by me because I needed it landscape and I hope the creator doesn’t mind.
Petering Out
The Arch Window number 33, in which we take stock of our fellow voters, taste and season as required.
Battery Chickens
The Arch Window number 32, in which we kill our parents but only metaphorically but I really do want to kill stab kill them all I hate them I’m fine really how are you?
Mistaken Identity
The Arch Window number 29, in which we express solidarity for the downtrodden, the poor loves.
A Tangled Web
The Arch Window number 28, in which we digitally probe the world and then wash our hands very, very carefully.