Author: Nick Fryer
East of Eden – Day 4 – Highs and Lows
With his son he’d run and play And giggle, breathe and sing And even sleep as long as they Were in a bed sized king. Oh, what a difference a metre makes. A good night’s sleep and a good thing, too, for Sylvano is live tweeting his crossing of the Harbour Bridge while I am…
East of Eden – Day 3 – Spectacles and Warships
First job of the day: pack to leave hotel. First crisis of the day: cockroach in Raf’s bag. First entomological question of the day: did we bring it with us or do we have the hotel to thank? Close inspection suggested Cocky held New South Welsh citizenship – we breed ’em bigger and tougher in…
East of Eden – Day 2 – Social Climbing
A busy day and late to bed should presage a good night’s sleep. Alas for the unfamiliar sounds of a hotel air conditioning system in need of maintenance and the familiar sensations of repeated knees and elbows to the soft parts delivered by a six-year-old who, like a flower tracking the sun, seems to rotate…
East of Eden – Day 1 – Three Men and a Vote
Under 7 football (a win), a federal election (result pending), arancini and a flight to Sydney for me and the boys. A fullish day. It certainly started well. The conditions were classic football, Australian version. There had been rain to clean the air and the world, and so the game was played in those fine,…
A Mid-autumn Afternoon’s Dream
The Arch Window number 24, in which, for one shimering, elusive moment, all is suspiciously well with the world. For the first time ever, this edition of the Window includes sound effects, for which I must thank breyenkatz and oniwe, who posted the originals at The relevant links are here and here.
Sport Illustrated
The Arch Window number 22a, in which we … what? What’s this 22a shit? For those who haven’t been with us since the beginning, these audio snippets are produced for inclusion in a podcast created by a friend, The 9pm Edict, which you can find out all about here. This one was prepped some weeks…